Saturday, 5 October 2013

Is Solar In Spain Losing Its Shine

Is Solar In Spain Losing Its Shine
Not considering a bar test for renewable energy in Spain this rendezvous,

is solar set to neglect out in addition in 2014? "Wikipedia/Rotger"

Misery 2013 Spanish statistics costume that so renewables curb to contain, in addition distension for the solar neighborhood is in subject.

According to do-it-yourself statistics published by the Spanish chart running, in 2013 Spain inundated 4.9% of its electricity petition by solar systems and promote 140 MW of new solar PV. The statistics made known that renewable energies contain the Spanish energy outlook, yet challenges come to pass.

Spanish electricity chart running Red El'ectrica de Espa~na (REE) emancipated its do-it-yourself statistics for 2013 taking part in the country's electricity petition. According to the statistics, 3.1% of Spain's electricity petition was inundated by solar PV, so an more 1.8% of electricity petition was inundated by concentrating solar power (CSP) technologies.

Compared to the 3% and 1.3% of electricity petition inundated by solar PV and CSP technologies each in 2012, this rendezvous represents a diffident swelling.

Amplified power production was the way for all other types of renewable technology too, which in 2013, REE thought, provided a register 42.2% of the electricity petition,10.5% forward-looking than in 2012.

Spain's illustrious renewable power generation swelling in 2013 was to some extent favoured by the boost drizzle in the antediluvian heat up of the rendezvous and correspondingly by the boost shrewdness of wind energy in the Spanish electricity system. Markedly, hydro and wind energy contributed 14.4% and 21.1% of the country's electricity petition in 2013, compared to 7.7% and 18.1% each in 2012.

The perch of the country's 2013 electricity petition, do-it-yourself REE details shows, was met by nuclear power (21%), coal (14.6%), combine jog plants (9.6%) and various other cogeneration types of plants (12.4%).


Spain's installed power split in 2013, the REE report says, was correspondingly improved by 556 MW, all by renewable technologies.

Of these, solar PV contributed 140 MW, CSP promote 300 MW and wind projects installed an more 173 MW of new renewable power split.

Not considering these installations basic to a certain extent low, at the end of 2013 renewable energies suggest 49.1% of the compare 102.3 GW installed power in Spain, REE reported.

Furthermore, the catch has succeeded in fit a net electricity exporter for the tenth in line rendezvous, exchanging power with France, Portugal, Andorra and Morocco. Exports in 2013 stood at 16,913 GWh and imports at 9,955 GWh. These concluding rumor are spare calming for the Spanish energy business, which saw sum 2013 petition for electrical energy dangle by 2.1%.

One cannot slight the Spanish exploit in achieving boost shrewdness of renewable energies in its energy system. Still, the magnificence has been closely criticised for indulgence to curtail renewable energies strengthen on tariff, resulting to a considerable energy toll removal, which in injure brought draconian cuts in the neighborhood. Deadened these magnificence, in addition renewable projects development in 2014 looks rather suspicious.

2013's solar PV neighborhood development was incremental, and 2014's scenario do not evolve any cap. Spanish solar PV developers aspect the incursion of new deep cuts, with the purging of the Fits entirely basic probably the best deep someone of the rendezvous to end tonight.


On the conflicting, investment in renewable energy-related development and technological development looks far haughty thriving. In a plain setting free published concluding week, REE thought that the company's investment in R&D in 2013 exceeded EUR14 million, an 80% swelling compared to the deep-rooted rendezvous, and heat up of its 2012-2016 development and technological development plan.

This plan includes projects thought at the development of an built-in program chart at a European section, the addition of new technologies clothed in the chart, sustainable development and the development of new resources for system work, such as energy storage.

This is the tub of the 1 MW lithium-ion battery-based storage system that REE announced concluding week it combined to the program chart in Seville. The system, REE says, is the improve on European electrochemical energy storage system combined to the program chart and is gifted of storing energy related to the accidental petition of 300 households, for use at any individual instant when desired by the system. The project was co-financed by the European Resident Recuperation Spokesperson (ERDF).

Source: 100013803/#axzz2pN948neR