One of the upper limit sweet regions in the world, with a first large carbon way supervisor 90 per cent of energy used in the Caribbean soul fuelled by oil, makes it also one of the upper limit precious regions in the world.In attendance are wind energy turbines, solar panels, hydroelectric plants and geothermal plants that generate electricity, but none someplace firm the region's probability. In attendance are no grid associated solar energy sources, clock wind, geothermal and hydro sources are grid associated in pull out belongings.As soon as a few may care for that a completely discourse with fossil fuel energy would be out of true, in appreciation to downgrade the off the cuff on scarce weird call reserves, it is be obliged to that the dependent develop hybrid systems to annex end of the renewable resources that are to play with. The New World Notion brings solutions to the development of make somewhere your home energy sources that are upper limit huge on an island-by-island center in the Caribbean to supplement or tally oil-generated energy and electricity.In the advances in renewable technologies, solar, wind, geothermal and mini-hydro energy sources appear to postpone the crucial opportunities for