Europe hopes to, by year 2020, be able to produce 20% of it's energy through renewable sources. German Government is looking to find other ways of reducing greenhouse gases outside wind farms. This is due to a report in 2005 where they stated that wind farms were expensive and inefficient.
There are also other elements of wind power energy that concern the government, such as the aesthetic aspect. The propellers also create a large amount of noise and are disruptive to the bird population.
However, new designs are being created to get around these issues. Viktor Jovanovic is one of these designers. He is busy created a model called the Stormblad Turbine [] which promises to deal with some of the problems. By designing it more to a jet engine the a propeller, it can operate in high winds, unlike the current model.
Terra Moya Aqua (TMA), based in Wyoming, is also working on a model, which is easier to operate and is quieter. This model is also free from ground resonance. They have been working on the design for the last 11 years, when Rasmussen, President of TMA, teamed up with Ron Taylor, TMA Chairman.
Both designs are smaller then the current model and focus on different problem areas. The other issue with Wind Power is that the power cannot be stored and is therefore unreliable. However Jovanovic thinks this will change in time, as new solutions are created.
Quite Revolution, based in the UK, is being bombarded for orders with their new design which is different from others so far. The model doesn't have to track round to catch the wind, plus the material it is made from makes the propeller more quite and creates more power.