Sunday, 2 November 2014

Clean Energy Revolution

Clean Energy Revolution
The clean energy revolution is accelerating! Wind power in America surpassed 50 gigawatts this year! This is enough energy to power approximately 13 million homes, or Nevada, Colorado, Wisconsin, Virginia, Alabama, and Connecticut combined. This is also approximately 7% of America's total energy usage, which will be 700 gigawatts. I know we use more than that today but I expect more conservation initiatives to take place over the next 10 years, which makes 700 gigawatts reasonable. We are getting there. Among the projects that contributed to crossing the threshold of 50 gigawatts (equal to 50,000 megawatts) are projects newly connected to the power grid in Nevada, Oklahoma, Idaho, California, Hawaii and Iowa. Featuring turbines made by General Electric, REpower, Siemens and Vestas. The growth of capacity has brought higher domestic content in U.S.-deployed wind turbines. Domestic production surged from 25 percent U.S.-made in 2005 to over 60 percent in 2012, with a steadily increasing number of factories joining the supply chain here. Today, over 500 U.S. factories provide wind power components. Solar energy is accelerating even faster! 5,600 companies are producing 100,000 jobs in solar across the US. This will only continue as oil prices rise.
