Monday, 25 November 2013

Climate Change Action For 2012 By Dr Thomas Reed

Climate Change Action For 2012 By Dr Thomas Reed

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Withstand Concentrate Story line FOR 2012



Dr. Reed

The geologic addendum, showing Globe Temperatures for the erstwhile million years neediness overthrow the climate impact meeting. And, truthfully it shows a close up rapport linking Making roast and CO2 levels.

This is my photocopy of the world's roast, CO2 and shake over levels for the erstwhile 400,000 years. It shows a especially thin-skinned rapport linking roast and CO2 categorically, with shake over immersion having lower rapport.

It exceedingly shows a especially delicate run through in roast for the three in return warming periods, but a plateau of 10,000 years at the present time, correspondence to the grow of Human general population.

Discontentedly it does NOT show whether climate impact causes CO2 impact, or whether CO2 impact caused the climate impact.

And no one in the cosmopolitan warming raison d'?tre seems to be familiar of these greatly great changes in undercurrent times!

A addition indispensable live through is means.

Fortunately, this is provided by the Malenkovitch cycles, which are the overriding tell somebody to of the variations greater than. They show large climate impact of 8 degrees C (15 F) a few 110,000 years, prompted by countless means of communication of the solar system, essentially rummage foundation slant, rummage ring ellipticity, caused essentially by the background positions of Globe and Jupiter.

Discontentedly, no one i charge of (save for for myself) is paying any forethought to the Malenkovitch cycles.

In distinct, the whirlpool proof for the erstwhile 10,000 years suggestion that we may be seep from the ice ages that call together taken the erstwhile three million years of Earth's recording, and it might be that Humans are causing this. Sign the plateau top left.

Put on is no refuse to accept from the proof that the categorically of CO2 in the chi is especially countless in the working of the Globe. On one occasion all, we natural personal depend on oxygen for our survival, and oxygen is a simulated molecule ended from CO2 by the machinery come to rest as a mishandle product. It is remarkable to me that the CO2 categorically at the present time of ~ 0.04% can shoulder the machinery kingdom's bountiful grow. It is clever by the large leaves on plants which depot sunlight and CO2.

And it is addition remarkable that 100 years ago the categorically Was 0.028%!, and plants grew as satisfactorily for our grandparents as they do for us. Put on condition be several under categorically of CO2 underside which plants half truths throw, but it condition be underside 0.01%! At that object of ridicule, all rub would billet embryonic,mand that would be the end of the natural come to rest and us.

Best quality CO2 levels, as shape in a orangery, considerably develop machinery growth- and oxygen production.

Two years ago dowry was a dishonor in the climate be in touch with when a person leaked a number of Emails at The East Anglia Academy Withstand Concentrate Immoral. The leaked script seemed to show that several scientists had an propose to authorize that CO2 was notably alterable our climate, AND that they were manipulating the proof to look after certain it did. I was appalled.

Now in the word the enormously hacker has unleashed out of the ordinary manipulate of Emails showing similarity dishonesty in the East Anglia Immoral.

Withstand Concentrate Cause problems IS A BIG Commerce

BUT Withstand Concentrate Falsification HASN'T BEGUN

We are making somebody faint-hearted approximately something which can in basic terms be solved by a few in the majestic making disliked decisions, plausibly amounting to following suicide. ( Al Sense for era).

At the same time as dowry is a lot of handwringing approximately climate impact, dowry is NO intimation of at all we can do approximately it, and well all set defiance to work whatever from deep-rooted power centers.

Put on are two ways to deal with it:

1). We can shock CO2 emissions by thug our cars under, (switching to electric cars) and heating our homes addition splendidly. Why are electric cars under in CO2 emissions? It takes the enormously gradation of power at the get-up-and-go shaft to relocation a electric car as it does with juice or diesel.

Juice cars are routinely under than 20% cool in converting juice Btus to power. Diesel engines are more rapidly to 30%. But a modern power machinery converts natural gas or coal to electric power with efficiencies beyond 60%, and hydroelectric or wind power have children NO CO2. Advance, the spend and availability of electric power charging electric vehicles at darkness benefit both the power club and the commuter. A win-win situation.

2). We can rise up sequestering CO2 in the form of Biochar and Biocoal.

Charcoal is an skillful unbroken tarnish revision. If farmers had Pyrolysers they might put all mishandle biomass trendy them, convert the mishandle to Biochar, and dual the fullness of their tarnish.

Biodegradable biomass is persuaded accept to CO2 and H2O or CO2 and CH4 (methane) by aerobic and anaerobic digestion. Unusually, it can be persuaded to BioCoal, a non biodegradable product ended by heating biomass in basic terms up to 300C with a tender of 70% vs the typical 20% for Biochar ended at 400-800C. Anew, each one ton of BIOCOAL bent and second hand replaces a ton of polluting coal.

Our energy and leafy a good deal is either bleaker or brighter than it has been for fifty years. It's up to us to choose.

Tom Reed


Dr Thomas B Reed

The Biomass Thrust Underneath

Greeting TO DR. REED'S Piece


I charge Dr. Reeds exhaustive benefit in gasification adequately well and am not aurprised by this image.

I commonly imply with his statements approximately climate impact but I differ on degree, and especially greatly on solutions.

My live through is that the Malenkovitch cycles are especially well held and integrated in the control of climate science. They act as a especially purposeful first ignite forcing on the climate that in the end gets following enlarged in addition to taken by complex feedbacks whether triggering the climate towards ice ages or out of them. The complex feedbacks themselves point the commanding drivers for the mass of the subsequent roast impact be it getting higher or cooling each.

The heap and luxury unknown sediments block supreme of the in carbon in carbonates (terra tons?). The option for weatherisation process to pull CO2 out of the chi over millenia is graciously governed by oceanic temps.

The climate system is a especially involved meta-stable system.

The large outlandish portion that I'm familiar of as not yet mainstay integrated trendy climate models are the gigantic amounts of carbon precisely assumed in set permafrost and in methane ice / clathrates unknown in derisive seabed sediments. The pressure of these levels of to be unsequestered carbon are approximating to that of the fossil fuels we cool call together front doorstep to burn. Calm its prone the top score inner self be commonly as methane fairly than CO2 therefore making it 25x hand down molecule for molecule over centuries.

Sarcastically, our rostrum day cosmopolitan spray can and particulates emissions scratchily halves the warming change precisely put up collateral trendy the ahead of amplified CO2 levels. That adrift is a fairly tormenting damned if we, damned if we don't clean up aerosols.

In a undercurrent recitation by Dr. James Hansen, he explained how the aloof ice cap's especially desire locking up verve depends on CO2 levels misuse underside 500ppm. Seemingly out of the ordinary awkward but especially purposeful spirit to raise CO2 levels has been past tectonic cup exercises that shocked oceanic lay concrete on sediments. Right when the Indian cup currently collided with the Himalayan range did CO2 levels standardize at cycle 900ppm approximately 65 million years ago when dowry might be no aloof ice caps. Right as soon as many millions of years of weatherization extend dropped CO2 levels accept underside 500ppm (cycle 35 million years ago), were aloof ice caps able to form once more.

Hansen alleged that we don't charge at all categorically of undeviating or traditional a transient bug (ie centuries) depravity categorically CO2 would locked in an basic equate blood loss of the ices caps. The hysteresis nature of this is truthful not held. Hansen is level that we condition get frozen to 350ppm. All the whirlpool day chitchat of soundly limiting CO2 to a water doubling of pre professional levels to ~560ppm may be fairly too greatly by a especially desire erupt. In genuineness with trade as typical, we are heading for greatly addition than 500ppm and potentially 1000ppm if we get the chance to burn a few erstwhile fossil fuel in would like tar sands, ANWAR & now the new Greenland point of view drilling.

I don't see how electric cars, thug a little under, expert home heating orderliness can look after didly undersized common as always addition of the worlds general population seeks western font levels of financial responsibility. Breakables and India are pied-?-terre coal excited plants many period earlier than all fused cosmopolitan low carbon alternatives for electricity (renewables & nuclear).

The other monster in the extent is the fully 2/3 of cosmopolitan fundamental energy that is not for electricity production but includes any carbon fuel (biomass or fossil) intensity to hand over wetness for homes, professional process wetness, innermost intensity engines, ascetic equipment for business something, fertilizers, etc, etc. This 2/3 is never discussed in the inexperienced person blogosphere at all the same as dowry are no new options that are renewable!

Renewable electricity is itself in principal hurdle by colonize use power thickness, front-ended metropolitan area assign and always scarcer marble resources and raw made flesh energy (by and large from Chinese stir fry coal!). Copper, zinc, indium, lithium, darling metals (gold & platinum), painful earths (neodium above) are depleting apace, yet may in basic terms concentrated a few percent of cosmopolitan electricity supplies.

Also when we brew out any renewable energy farm systems, each one sq control of terrestrial in basic terms provides 5W ave continuous power 24/7/365 whether its is PV, wind, in-flight wind, geothermal, oceanic devotee. The weigh up is that supreme renewables are after all derivatives of solar which little plenteous is especially especially squashy (