But I'm sure you know this is no longer the case, and that DIY home solar power is becoming more and more accessible to everyone. And if you're reading this, there's a good chance that, at least in the back of your mind, you're thinking you'd like to build your own solar power system. Maybe you've even been browsing through solar power kits online.
The first thing I have to say is this: Set aside your old preconceptions about solar energy. This is the 21st century. We're living in a time of rapidly advancing technology. Okay, maybe it's taking a little longer than we thought it would to get spaceships and personal jetpacks, but it's a high-tech age nonetheless.
And solar power is not a fleeting trend. On the contrary, we're living on the cusp of the green energy age, and solar power is likely to play a major role in humankind's energy scheme for centuries to come.
So let's set aside those doubts and start thinking about how we can turn this idea into a reality. Are there cheap, practical ways to build your own solar system?
Let's say you have a little bit of time and money to invest, but not that much; and let's say you're moderately handy, but no Bob Villa. 10 years ago, you may have been out of luck. But 2010 is a whole new age, and finding and installing some cheap solar panels is entirely within the realm of possibility for you. In fact, if you do it the right way, it can be downright easy.
But before you start flashing your credit card around the hardware store, there are a few things to remember:
* Money does equal quality: These days, there are so many companies cashing in on the home solar power trend that it can be hard to keep track of them. But the one thing to keep in mind is that the quality of your diy home solar power will depend on the quality of your materials. Cheaply made solar power kits generate less energy than well-made ones. It's that simple.
* You'll still have energy bills: You can take care of some of your energy needs with an easy-to-install starter kit, but, unless you have a very small house, you'll have to stay plugged in to the local energy company.
* Don't get in over your head: If you're committed to doing this yourself, keep it simple. When you start getting into the more complex solar power kits, it won't be long before you need professional installation help, and that can get costly.