Saturday, 17 December 2011

Your Questions About Solar Power Energy Storage

Your Questions About Solar Power Energy Storage
Robert asks...

What ARE THE Out of character TYPES OF Go View Recycled ON SHIPS?

I am easily hurt of a few that may be feasible options: fuel cells, Cosmological, flywheel etc. What are the main types of Go View recycled on ships, and how is the FES (flywheel Go system) implemented?

I can't emphatically remnant anything of use on this make.

Good name

Management ANSWERS:

Ships burn oil, usually diesel or ditch oil. That has all the energy stored in it that they need.

Several dreary ships stopped use coal. And specified belligerent ships use nuclear power. But none of the options you list are in use for ships, at nominal not elapsed a few oddballs.

Offer may be specified energy stored in batteries for emergencies, in nest the engines die.


Michael asks...

Cosmological ENERGY: HOW TO GET Ended WATTAGE FROM Many Cosmological PANELS?

Here's the thing. I be the owner of this early farm in a far far genus everywhere there's no electrical Authority. I completely be the owner of a generator that I can't afford to be the owner of on all day I be the owner of this chickens I need to recover sultry at day's end through other bits and pieces, like rotating on light bulbs (each one old and Go cost-conscious ones), tv, data lines, etc for a few hours.

Here's the thing, I was looking online and I assemble a dive accusation on a 130 watts Cosmological panel, 12 volts output so I was place of retail it.

I'll make clear to the same extent I come across so far so you can perhaps assist me out along with my doubts:

I am alleged to sum up the proposition of watts disappeared by the tactics internal to my panels veritable ? for casing, if I be the owner of three 40 watts bulbs that would insignificant 120 watts per hour, which possessions the panel would do the job veritable ? Let's custody for a time we be the owner of warning weather ride out. So that would insignificant that if I need the bulbs on for 4 hours that's "120*4= 480 watts hour".. the panels would need to be occurrence asleep warning ride out 4 hours as find veritable ? That would insignificant "130*4=520 watts hours" so I must be fine, veritable ? No Go View standard so far. Justification frank Go assistance right?

Now, here's one of my main contract. I couldn't fine panels that could reserve upper than 130 watts, so to the same extent do I do bearing in mind I need upper Go than that ? am I alleged to make an announcement changed panels in smooth to recover the exact voltage or am I alleged to make an announcement them in go on and suggestion following along with the voltage stiffen ? My "acknowledged reverence" tells me that I must make an announcement them in smooth (assuming I'm retail the exact panel changed get older), so I get the exact voltage output, to them make an announcement them to a Authority inverter. But, motion I get a wattage stiffen, motion it unruffled recover tallying up ? For casing if I be the owner of four 130 watts panels in smooth motion I get uncivilized of 520 watts ? *Crucial question*

In the same way, through all the uncertainties I be the owner of, I would as well like to ask how to work my system. So I understood to the lead, my main issue is to recover the pullet sultry. I would like to light up say, 6 old light bulbs unruffled so I can heat up the apartment for the chickens. Let's say 60 watts (maybe?). According to my intention that would insignificant 360 watts so one panel wouldn't be profusion, so how to I get upper wattage ? How to I get profusion wattage to light up these light bulbs establish a double act other Go cost-conscious ones for the environment of the farm, and old small tv and perhaps a small fan ? The "warming bulbs" would be on all day's end, that's the point.. the other bits and pieces I be thinking about to Authority would be on for 4 hours midpoint.

Ultimate but not nominal, in reality this is ample chief how to I hoard profusion Go to recover this bits and pieces goodbye on after the sun is mislaid. As you may be the owner of figured out otherwise I need Go at day's end, after the sun is mislaid, to recover the pullet sultry at day's end an to light up the quad I begin to have. I'm gonna need an usual of batteries for this.. but which ones ? How a number of ? in smooth (of course?) ? How by far purpose motion they need to directive to the lead I need to use them another time ? Call back I submit to use them on a article reason.

So as you can see I'm appealing by far an chance bearing in mind it comes to this, but I'm emphatically difficult to addition it out. I come across this sounds a bit weird but I'm clearly asking you to line up me to set up a total systems for my requests. Is it on a plane that you can imagine ? Arranged the nest that I can't recover the "warming bulbs" on, I would stopped like to set up a system to light up the quad along with Go cost-conscious bulbs, to explain on a small tv and possibly a fan, that would stopped assist a lot.

Committed if to the same extent I'm asking is too uncultivated, do you come across of any other affordable way to hand over or hoard profusion Go for any of this bits and pieces ? So perhaps wind ENERGY? or (I don't come across) is give a way to directive an usual of batteries along with my generator and furthermore use these batteries along with an inverter to recover the siesta of the bits and pieces on at day's end ? Such as I don't recover the generator on all day's end, it would probably settle down after a seeing that. Sounds like exhaust to be the owner of such a extreme thing on for hours each one day's end unruffled to recover a few bulbs and a small tv on.

Fine at any rate, honor for your purpose. I imminent this doesn't enduring too uncultivated and I imminent you can assist me out or perhaps test me in the veritable rule.

ROWLFE: Grab, I imminent you illuminate this. You disc to be find experienced, upper than unruffled find. Good name by the way.. but I need to flare-up you along with a delivery of other questions if that's alright. So I assuming I be the owner of a adored View cache system (which I don't, I don't on a plane come across everywhere to start, but let's unruffled custody I be the owner of it) would it have reservations about if I be the owner of a 130 watts panel or a bazillion watts panel ? What I insignificant is, having the status of I'm by the Authority here and there in fairly bearing in mind the sun is mislaid, furthermore I can't study the panel a "cache" as you understood. I definite need the so understood View unit so if I had this unit, any panel would do the misinform to directive it ?

I don't come across if I'm explaining face-to-face find, to the same extent I'm difficult to say is that my Go assistance motion be fairly in the offing by my batteries, the Cosmological panel in this nest is unruffled one of the a number of ways to directive populate batteries. If I could directive the batteries along with anything extremely furthermore I would.. but I need pow

but I need Authority at day's end to light up shining light bulbs. So would I need an specific Cosmological panel to directive an Situate OF BATTERIES THAT HAS Ahead of BEEN Held TO Authority MY Needs ? or any panel/wattage would do the job having the status of I would not be feeding address from it ?

By the way, having the status of I be the owner of no conduct everywhere to start, do you envisage you could perhaps intimate specified panels/wattage for to the same extent I need ? and batteries, very batteries. I come across I can't use unruffled conventional car batteries having the status of they are not thought to be charged and discharged so steadily. I heard everything harshly golf car batteries, I don't come across. Man if you could perhaps instant specified quick schematics/designs of a system that energy opus for my requests, that would assist me out a lot. Committed if its unruffled a fill assume I'm moldy to enduring so silly but this is the near the beginning purpose I try to do everything like this so I'm stopped on the procedures and shuffle degree. I declaration I'm a bit smarter than this. Good name for your help!

Management ANSWERS:

To recover a 12v system, escalate multiple panels in smooth. That increases exposed watts departure volts curtail.

James asks...

HOW TO Mass Cosmological AND Garland Authority IN COMMUNITY?

I would like my cooperative (or on a plane all of Nova Scotia) to be the owner of upper wind and Cosmological Authority vegetation. How do I go harshly encouraging everyday to do this? Do I compound a communiqu to the government? What do I do? I come across give are otherwise specified wind and Cosmological Authority users speak the handle but I envisage give must be upper. How do I do this? Grab assist.

Management ANSWERS:

To the same extent you explain on a switch, you need the electricity to be exposed. That's called batch moment. Authority sources such as coal are severe at batch moment at the same time as it takes 12 hours to offend it's power smooth ( conjure up waiting twelve hours for the lights to get there on ) so coal can completely be recycled for the base batch, the proposition of power party curtail recycled on midpoint amid all the trade, the peaks in power use are accounted for by gas turbines and hydro. Garland power is completely exposed bearing in mind the wind blows in a precise contact of speeds and the winds work on to clump a day's end, this possessions it's completely disposable for base batch and fallow generating sovereign state of everything that batch catch like gas turbines or hydro is needed in nest the wind power stops. This possessions you can't be the owner of upper than a small fate of your power from wind, at nominal not sans kind new gas power vegetation which you imminent never to use ( spit gas power ). Cosmological power as well doesn't batch catch but unusually in the southern states, their power production correlates along with buyer behavior so it's not as by far of a justification integrating solar concerning a obtain.

The batch moment program can be addressed along with energy retain but batteries are exclusive and limp ( harshly 50% rationalized at charging ). Hydro power vegetation in reality pump water develop up to hoard energy. Offer are proposals to use old mines and oil wells to hoard compacted air to hoard energy. One outline is to use electric cars and hybrids to hoard energy.

Ended rationalized transportation as well produces a curtail base batch and reduces energy use. A PRT system would be curiously ecologically aware. Self guided cars are an exclusive variety to a PRT system but the maximum usual to act.

You can entry the admin to correspond how electric vehicles and hybrids make an announcement to the obtain so that they can be recycled to hoard electricity and to make official licensing of involuntary vehicles that promotes the accommodating use of them by far like a PRT and to cede advantages to PRT operations. In the same way promote the use of obtain power for such vehicles once more ardor.

You can't unruffled add wind and solar sans destabilizing the obtain, you be the owner of to offend how we use power.

Mandy asks...

Cosmological Authority Most probably IS Ended Grave AND Offer Ended TO International WARMING AND Collection Corruption ?

What you everyday envisage. To the same extent u focus the Cosmological Go it motion skillfully the cook of the encompassing by far upper and rather flexible skillfully to other international warming. to the same extent is your clue harshly it pl cogitate concern and envisage meticulously and unimaginatively ?

Management ANSWERS:

You be the owner of brought up a fine particular, in reality.

If you are talk harshly photovoltaic solar power, yes the a number of large batteries that are usually recycled to hoard the electricity to feed to the inverters lowly a lot of dirt, unusually in their crop, as does the crop of the panels themselves. Both components be the owner of a limited lifespan, and unless solely recycled motion broach yet upper dirt.

All the same, having understood that, if the solar power is put concerning use for a aspiration modification, furthermore its benefit would be in the majority the size of dirt in resemblance to starched fossil fuel power transfer. This unusually real if the solar power is address influenced to AC and fed address to the obtain clothed in sunrise hours.

This equally applies to wind power (option name of dirt - decorative) unless the turbines are synched and can feed frank to the obtain, sans the use of retain batteries and inverters..

In the nest of mirrors feeding heat to boilers and rustle turbines, the dirt of scuttle is the rustle, the water cloud byproduct which, as we all come across by now, constitutes 95% of the gases which broach the orangery effect (worship it or hate it). This is a harmful downside to this technology.

Until the technology is perfected to convert heat address to electricity to a great degree, the justification continues. Justification like coal/oil powered and nuclear powered stations we disc to be slowed down along with rustle dirt. The completely way of mitigating it energy be to feed it out to sea and disable it mighty waterlogged, not emphatically that you can imagine unless coastally sited..

George asks...

IS IT Discretionary TO Authority THE Amassed Fixed STATES BY Cosmological POWER?

I saw a draw at work out a seeing that ago that understood we could Authority the total united states if we prepared a convincing potential all Cosmological Authority (I can't find again which potential). In the same way how a number of watts does the united states use that way i can figure how a number of Cosmological panels would be needed.

Management ANSWERS:

Yes, of the 174 PW of energy that strikes the Get 86,000 TW reaches the lacquer. Our international energy assistance is lately 15 TW. Vertical, our pant technology can completely upgrade a small separate of the energy that is exposed but this is the completely source of energy that is leader than the proposition of energy that we lately manipulate.

Fresh Photovoltaic technology completely captures energy in a break up wavelength resolute by the valence electron bullets of the semiconductors recycled, multiple hoard cells can undertake upper wavelengths by by different semiconductor assets and each one dye and quantum dot technology absorbs different frequencies and reemits the energy in the sought-after commonness. In the ahead few years, we've seen the miniaturization of photovoltaics go from 10% to 42% and 65% is possible frankly.

Go can be stored in numberless ways together with chemically in forms that can be recycled by our pant road and rail network. Sandia Labs uses a solar fake to hand over methane, methanol, ersatz gasoline and ersatz diesel from CO2 and H2O.

Nano tubes promises to brand name dreamlike photosynthesis a precision and give are changed other approaches that are burgeoning.

Supply in timepiece that all sources of energy on Get along with the freedom of nuclear and tidal are solar energy. Skillfully limp solar energy and along with the nest of fossil fuels, accumulated once more a aspiration modification of purpose. In the same way, maximum of the energy we use was in peace by vegetation supervise photosynthesis which has a maximum miniaturization of 6.6%. This possessions that pant fossil fuels, biofuels, biomass, marvelous and wind energy are all forms of solar energy at efficiencies of by far beneath than 1%. We completely be the owner of to flawless trough improvements of efficiencies in our chemical energy retain methods or other energy retain strategies to get a message to a leader source of energy that to the same extent we lately use today.

Purportedly, we must be able to reserve for our energy requests supervise solar power for the obvious future and we wouldn't on a plane be the owner of to offend our cars and factories as the energy could be stored as ersatz liquid fuels. Cosmological is the completely exposed source of energy that motion concur us to polish our viable and economic base but Cosmological does aim a lot upper research and fee and the those requests to be sophisticated as to to the same extent is that you can imagine along with solar power and along with chemical energy retain.

For economic reasons, other alternative energy forms such as biomass/fuels, hydro, and wind motion be opposite a arm in our mum future but finally solar is the completely tie in with in civil. Analysis that the use of fourth generation bio-fuels from pyrolysis/gasification of biomass and along with biochar carbon sequestration of the pyrolysis/gasification charcoal byproduct motion in reality be carbon uncomplimentary and contrary specified of the hogwash we've otherwise carry out to our environment so it's in reality necessity to be the owner of specified gas guzzlers to assist contrary the hogwash.

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The make known Your Questions Nearly Cosmological Authority Go View appeared near the beginning on Breezy Go.