Growing Technology
The race for efficient energy has been fierce in many markets. Scientists and corporations have spent a great deal of time and money into developing solar collection leading to improvements such as more cost efficient panels. Even private developers have been initiating crowdsource funding options for inventions regarding photovoltaics. The interest is growing, and as such, so is the technology surrounding this renewable energy source.
Overall Safer Alternative
Although panel fires have made headlines in the past, the overall use and development of solar energy is safer in many regards. For instance, it's not too often you read about a panel spill in the gulf destroying the wildlife. No earthquakes are blamed by developing photovoltaic technology. Mining in general for solar materials is less hazardous as some minerals on surface level have been found to improve collection.
The Real Cost-Over-Time
Many experts believe that solar generation is more expensive to maintain. However, most of these individuals do not view the entire lifespan of a facility. In any given day, billions of dollars are spent on coal and oil to maintain power levels. Solar does not have a tangible resource that is consumed by purchases. Over time, it costs exponentially more to maintain oil and coal than it does for solar due to resource expenses.
An Abundant Supply of Light
Without the Sun, life on this planet would cease as we know it within eight minutes. That's how long it would take for Earth to go completely dark should our star suddenly shut off. The Sun is an abundant source of power that will run out in roughly 4.8 billion years. It costs humanity nothing to be showered by intense light on a regular basis.
More than a Fad
The difference between a fad and a sustainable trend is overall interest. The more interested society is within a given product, the more it is developed. The smartphone could have been the 21st century's PDA if not for the immense following it received through marketing and continued development. Solar energy can be delivered in the same fashion. More consumers are interested in this method of power than ever before prompting developers to continue maximizing efficiency.
Extreme Marketable Uses
Developing solar power for home use is one thing, but smaller devices are seeing an excessive growth of the technology. Camping equipment, toys, phone chargers, mobile home use and many more markets are incorporating panels with rechargeable batteries for general purpose use. This helps perpetuate continued development as more manufacturers incorporate panels.
Although initial developments of solar alternatives have been inefficient, costs have begun to plummet. More efficient materials are being utilized, panels are collecting more than ever and the cost-over-time for maintaining power levels is inspiring to those looking for sustainable energy. For more information on the impact of electricity within society, many Energy books can be found giving further insights into the future of humankind.